Video online: EU-Africa report webinars: West Africa


European Parliament, INTA Committee Report on EU - Africa Trade and Investment Relations (Rapporteur MEP Helmut Scholz)

“Europe in listening mode” Workshop II

EU - Africa report webinars: Part II - West Africa

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022, 18.00 - 19.30 Brussels time

Interpretation into EN and FR


Dr. Cheikh Tidiane Dieye, Director ENDA - CACID: “A brief evaluation of the trade and investment relations between West Africa and EU. What went well, what could be better? How does the EU - EAC exchange relate to the achievement of the AfCFTA and the UN SDGs?”

Dr. Ken Ukaoha, National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS): “How to develop trade and investment relations between EU and Africa for the benefit of the people in West Africa.”

Mr. Wendell Addy, Pan-African Chamber of Commerce (PACCI); African Private Sector Summit: EU-Africa Policy & Program Reset for Mutual Prosperity with Focus on West Africa. 

Dr. Ndongo Samba Sylla, development economist, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation office for West Africa (Dakar, Senegal): EU - Africa Investment relations in the light of France - West Africa monetary relations

Cross cutting questions:

What evolution in trade and investment relations is needed to achieve the SDGs? How do these changes relate to the achievement of the AfCFTA?

Invited for comment:

Members of the European Parliament, including MEP Pedro Silva Pereira (tbc), Standing Rapporteur for EU - West Africa trade relations of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade

Moderator: MEP Helmut Scholz, rapporteur of the report on EU - Africa trade and investment relations of the European Parliament

Co-host: Dr. Arif Ruezgar (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Brussels Office)


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