Warnung vor EU-Mercosur-Abkommen


Eine von der französischen Regierung eingesetzte Kommission warnt in ihrem nun veröffentlichten Bericht vor der Unterzeichnung des EU – Mercosur Abkommens. Die Klimakosten übersteigen demnach den erhofften wirtschaftlichen Gewinn.Und nicht nur das.

The Commission created by former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe issued its report and contains strong arguments AGAINST settling the deal. 

Here are the main findings:

The climate costs of the possible deal are bigger than economic bénéfices (page 141)

The report says that the agreement might increase beef exports from Mercosur about 53000t / year. (They mention that there is another estimation which is not consensual among the experts of 98000t). 

And contrary to the LSE SIA, it states that there are no guarantees that this can be done without deforestation (given the current practices and policies and the lack of specific provisions in the agreement itself).

This might increase deforestation (3,6 million of hectares) in total for this increase in output : this would mean an increase of the annual deforestation of 25% over 6 years. 

And there is also very strong quotes about the gaps in production standards (use of pesticides, antibiotics as growth promoters for the meat, animal welfare...), the inadequate protection of precautionary principle, the risk of weakening of EU sanitary standards and the reduction of controls. 

The report in French has been published already by Politico. You can find it here: https://www.politico.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Rapport-evaluation-UE-Mercosur-francais.pdf?utm_source=POLITICO.EU&utm_campaign=0a915becba-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_09_18_04_59&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_10959edeb5-0a915becba-190548415


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